Within minutes of this pic being taken the sky clouded over again and returned to grey :(
Wharariki Beach #2

Shot taken from inside a large cave on the beach.......many thanks to the 2 sillhouettes for adding a human element :)
Wharaiki cave men

The grey after the blue.......but the waves always pound in like this here!
Wharariki Fury
Farewell Spit's inner beach is packed with Black Swans. This one was spotted a little further south at Puponga enjoying a late afternoon preen. He was a bit far away for my lens to do him justice and this has been heavily cropped. You get the idea though....!!
Black swan

Couldn't resist this early evening shot of the beautifully peaceful Pakawau. The hills in the background are the southern end of Goden Bay
Peaceful Pakawau